Global Challenges (B-TM-Z12229)

The student will acquire insights in globalization processes and competencies to see global challenges as opportunities, to manage resources for implementing innovative ideas.
The student will be able to integrate contemporary and international perspectives in professional behaviour and functioning.
The student will be able to reflect on learning contexts.
The student will be able to function in a multidisciplinary and international team.
The student will gain international and intercultural competences.
Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod
6 sp. Global challenges (B-TM-Z54722)
1. Global perspectives and knowledge crisis
• Global Perspectives, Worldviews, Global challenges
• Knowledge Crisis
o Limits to knowledge
o Limits of Technology
o Limits of Science
2. Innovation and cooperation
• Innovation (micro-level)
o Open innovation
o Peer-to-peer
o Sociale innovation
• Collaboration (macro-level)
o Development cooperation
o 4pilars +1
o Context of the donors and the context of the recipient countries
o Humanitarian aid/ emergency relief
3. Economic crisis
• About growth in Europe
• Unemployment
• Private debt
• Public debt
• Ecological damage
4. Globalisation, Neoliberalism and Globalizing in a different way
• Globalisation (Definitions, Relevance, effects)
• Neoliberalism (definition, history, effects)
• The position of social work
• Globalizing in a different way
o Buen vivir
o Basic income,
o Economics of happiness
• Experimenting with change (LETS, …)
5. The commodity crisis
• Energy and peak oil
• Minerals and rare earth metals
• Crop yield (peak soil) and fisheries
6. A world in transition
• Energy transition
• Alternatives to materials
• Change in society
• Role of social work
7. Ecological crisis
• Climate change
• Bio-diversity-loss
• Ocean acidification
8. Sustainable development
• Vulnerability and justice
• Sustainable development
• History
• Definition and political concept
• The goal
• The approach
9. Demographic crisis
• Population growth (Figures of the past, Explanation growth today, Projections world population, Evolution future birthrate, Problematization and de-problematization)
• Ageing
• Urbanization
• Deproblematisation
10. Inequality crisis
• Pen-parade: perception and reality of inequality
• Inequality within countries
• Inequalities between counties
• Inequality and human development
11. Towards a socially just and ecologically bearable future
• A safe and just space for humanity
• From TINA to TAPAS
• From understanding to action
• Inspirational examples for a world with a High Quality of Life and improved environment
Toledo: Blog and Wiki
PowerPoint, including explanatory text in the 'notes' section below the visuals of the slide
Personal notes during lectures
Toelichting onderwijstaal
The course will be taught in English
Toelichting werkvorm
Students participate in group discussions during the lessons and apply the acquired knowledge.
Students reflect on the study material and compare with their own field of study and cultural context.
Students work on a group assignment (WIKI + Presentation) around a specific global challenge
Students work on a individual assignment (BLOG) around a specific global challenge
Global challenges (B-TM-Z82229)
Examenmoment | Beoordelingsschaal |
TOTAAL | 1-20/20 puntenschaal |
In eerste zit:
-40 % van de punten op een klassiek schriftelijk examen
-40% van de punten oop een groepspresentatie (wiki+presentatie)
-20% van de punten o permanante evaluatie (blog op het einde beoordeeld= summatieve productevaluatie)
Toelichting bij herkansen
Voor dit opleidingsonderdeel zijn er geen deeloverdrachten.
Voor tweede zit, vervalt permanente evaluatie en wordt de evaluatie:
-50% op een klassiek schriftelijk examen
-50% op een individuele paper assessment (vervangopdracht voor de presentatie)