Innovation Lab 2 - niet zeker 24-25 (B-TM-Z26811)
Regardless of the programme - common goals to be achieved
- The student acts entrepreneurially (creatively, innovatively, plans/organises, takes calculated risks...), by putting an idea into practice.
- The student can cooperate efficiently and effectively in a multidisciplinary team in function of an assignment for a customer and certain target group/context.
- The student comes to a workable and substantiated end result for his/her client and target group.
- The student formulates a personal challenge from his/her own discipline that he/she wants to achieve in this opo.
- The student is aware of his/her own frame of thinking and values, by means of the concrete and authentic experiences on which he/she reflects during the project.
- The student can use the design thinking methodology to come to an innovative solution.
- The student will collaborate online in an international context.
- The student will work on a service learning project.
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor Bedrijfsmanagement (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Chemie (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Elektromechanica (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Elektronica-ICT (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Ergotherapie (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Organisatie & Management (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Orthopedie (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Sociaal Werk - Uitdovend (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Toegepaste Informatica (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Vroedkunde (Lier) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Bedrijfsmanagement: afstudeerrichting Sport- en Cultuurmanagement (Turnhout) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Bedrijfsmanagement: afstudeerrichting Sport- en Cultuurmanagement (Turnhout) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Bouw (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Vroedkunde - Verkort traject voor bachelors Verpleegkunde (Lier) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Energietechnologie (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Verpleegkunde (Lier) 240 ects.
- Bachelor Verpleegkunde - Verkort werktraject voor HBO5/MBO4-verpleegkundigen (Lier) 240 ects.
- Bachelor Verpleegkunde - Verkort traject voor niet-werkende HBO5/MBO4-verpleegkundigen (Lier) 240 ects.
- Educatieve bachelor Kleuteronderwijs (Vorselaar) 180 ects.
- Educatieve bachelor Lager Onderwijs (Turnhout) 180 ects.
- Educatieve bachelor Lager Onderwijs - Uitdovend (Vorselaar) 180 ects.
- Educatieve bachelor Secundair Onderwijs (Turnhout) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Applied Computer Science - English Programme (Geel) 180 ects.
- Multidisciplinary Programme for Exchange Students (Geel) 60 ects.
- Startpunt Ondernemen (TMK) 60 ects.
- Bachelor Orthopedie - Werktraject (Geel) 180 ects.
- Startpunt Ondernemen en Star-Track (TMK) 60 ects.
- Startpunt Ondernemen en Star-Track (TMK) 60 ects.
- Bachelor Ergotherapie - Werktraject (Geel) 180 ects.
- Bachelor Sociaal Werk (Geel) 180 ects.
3 ects. Innovation Lab 2 - niet zeker 24-25 (B-TM-Z64903)
The Innovation lab is an educational offer of Startpunt Ondernemen and aims to stimulate the innovative, creative and entrepreneurial attitude of the students of Thomas More. In this module, the students work together, online and international, on a real innovative assignment as part of service learning.
Format: more information
This course is a virtual exchange course mutual organised by different partners of Thomas More.
Innovation Lab 2 - niet zeker 24-25 (B-TM-Z96811)
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
Product + Pitch: 1/3
Proces: 1/3
Portfolio/dossier: 1/3
Information about retaking exams
This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.
No second chance